Saturday, August 6, 2011

Re: [android-developers] Re: Is there a callback that gets called right after onResume() ?

Or one could use the tools already provided by the framework ...

... by subclassing a xxxLayout class or a ViewGroup and overriding
onMeasure and onLayout ...

... or by subclassing the appropriate view and overriding onSizeChanged ...

-- Kostya

06.08.2011 20:42, Jim пишет:
> There is no callback - you can set flags in onResume() to know when
> the activity is done with that part of the lifecycle. However, by
> using layout_weight, you're telling Android to decide the size, which
> it can't know until the screen is drawn, so a callback to change the
> size won't work without a Handler to request a redraw or cycling
> through onPause/onResume. So, you're going to need a Handler, which is
> effectively a hack (to avoid layout_weight, you can get screen and
> view dimensions and other data during onCreate/onStart/onResume to
> calculate the available screen space yourself, determine which
> elements will show and then calculate/recalculate certain element
> sizes to get what you want, but that's a lot of work - a hack is
> probably a better approach for this type of job).
> If you want to determine the available size, then start a background
> thread/timer at the end of onResume(), when you know how much space
> you have for your elements, do the size calculations, then
> runOnUIThread the changes and you should be fine. If you want to
> guarantee the user does not see the changes, you're going to have to
> work harder since the background thread/timer is not synchronized with
> the UI.
> -Jim
> On Aug 6, 2:58 am, Zsombor<> wrote:
>> Is there a callback that gets a call when everything in the current
>> Activity got rendered?
>> Because I need to know the exact sizes of some of my ViewGroups (their
>> width/height are set using layout_weight in the layout xml), so I know
>> how many elements fit inside them without scrolling. But I can only
>> measure them after onResume. Is there a way to do this without some
>> hack?

Kostya Vasilyev

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