Wednesday, March 27, 2013

[android-developers] Get 'flag' or 'enum' int values in

My problem is quite simple. I've got a custom view which uses flags, for example

<declare-styleable name="MyStyleable">
    <attr name="someFlag">
        <flag name="first" value="0x01" />
        <flag name="second" value="0x02" />
        <flag name="third" value="0x03" />

When constructing the instance of my class, I can retrive the value passed in xml using :

TypedArray attributes = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ClickableLabelledIcon);
int flags = attributes.getInt(R.styleable.MyStyleable_someFlag, 0);

But I don't know how to compare programmatically with the values defined in my attrs.xml.

I saw that the sdk re-defines constants in classes (for example SDK demos shows this for Typeface), but I think this can lead to errors when refactoring, etc ...
Why are these values not accessible, or why i'm missing to get them ?

I saw that these flags result in some fields being defined in
I tried Context.getResources.getInteger( for example but it fails throwing a ResourceNotFoundException.

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