Friday, April 5, 2013

[android-developers] Re: Proper documentation for SQLite usage missing - I need guidance

Hi again

I'm still confused about SQLite version(s) in Android, not just that there is no reference to the SQLite 3.4.0 documentation in the Android Developer site.

The statement that Android ships with SQLite 3.4.0 is still there, see
At the same time there are additions to the SQLiteDatabase in API level 11, e.g. enableWriteAheadLogging(), that hints at level 11 being based on SQLite >= 3.7.0, see
Is it really possible that Android have implemented WAL on top of SQLite 3.4.0?

If not, why is there no information on the Android Developer site that specifies that you could rely on using SQLite 3.7.0 syntax when you are using level 11 as the minSdkLevel?


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