Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[android-developers] Designing an appwidget adaptable to orientation change

I have built an appwidget with an square layout, and so it doesn't fit exactly in the standard widget sizes as recommended in http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/widget_design.html#sizes.

I chose a 3x2 size (android:minWidth="220dip" android:minHeight="146dip") as it is the smalllest that covers the widget's layout.

"All widgets must fit within the bounding box of one of the six supported widget sizes, or better yet, within a pair of portrait and landscape orientation sizes, so your widget looks good when the user switches screen orientations"

My widget looks good in portrait mode. When switched to landscape mode (in the emulator) the layout is clipped. I tried inverting the minWidth and minHeight values in the provider's XML and then it looked perfect in landscape mode but clipped in portrait mode.

I know I can define different layouts in res/layout and res/layout-land, but in this case the layouts are not different at all, in both modes I want the widget to look square.
What I would need is something like 'xml' and 'xml-land', AFAIK this is not supported in Android.




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