Apa ada kemungkinan nokia here nya dicomot jadi apk ? ;)
darma78 @ARHD_One
Berarti lgsg copas aja ya? Nggak pake google framework?
On Mar 1, 2014 6:44 AM, "Defriando Riza" <defriando.riza@gmail.com> wrote:--Fyi... :)

Just a few days ago, we showed you a quick glimpse of what "real" Android looks like on the Nokia X. Unfortunately, this was only a standard replacement launcher, leaving many of us salivating at the prospect of having a Nokia X with full access to Google Apps and Services. Now thanks to a guide by XDA Senior Member Kashamalaga, that time has come.
Kashamalaga's guide is quite simple. First, you acquire root access using the Galdalf Exploit in Framaroot. From there, you install a root-capable file manager. Then, you copy a Nokia X-specific Gapps package by Kashamalaga to your /system/app folder, and give it the appropriate permissions. After a reboot and a few more application installs, you are then able to access the Google Play Store, various Google Apps, and the Google Experience Launcher.
If you're a Nokia X owner looking to make the most of your device, head over to the guide thread to learn more.
[Many thanks to XDA Forum Member kautionwirez for the tip!]
Read full article at http://www.xda-developers.com/android/nokia-x-rooted-and-loaded-with-google-apps-play-store-and-google-now-launcher/
@Q 4.1.2
Japri : wanipiro@terserah.de
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