Saturday, March 1, 2014

[android-developers] Preserve WebView inputs on configuration changes, on a fragment based application?


I'm working in a fragment based app. It has only 1 activity. The activity is used as frame and for the ActionBar etc. The different screens are implemented as fragments.

We are using a combination of setRetainInstance(true), to preserve the state of the fragment (e.g. data which was already downloaded from web service), and recreate the views normally in onCreateView(), in order to use different layout for phone and tablet.

Ok, works great! App is finished. But we have a WebView form.

Now when the device is rotated, and onCreateView() is called, the data which was entered in the form disappears. I have to fix this.

Possible solutions:

1. I found is possible to read and write the input fields using javascript. This is not usable for us, since WebView content can change and we don't can be certain about which inputs are there, which ids, etc.

2. Hold the WebView as an instance variable of the fragment - since the fragment is not recreated, thanks to setRetainInstance(true), I would expect it still "holds" the inputs. In onCreateView I check if the variable is null, If yes create / inflate it, then always add it as child of container FrameLayout from XML. Well, it doesn't help. With this also the inputs are lost on orientation change.

3. Declare configChanges="orientation" in the manifest. But this is also very bad, because it affects the activity and thus all our app. I would have to implement onConfigurationChanged in my fragments and emulating there what's currently being done by onCreateView() - recreate the views, restore state in views, etc.

So well, I have 3 solutions, 1. Not usable, 2. Doesn't work, 3. Don't know how to do it / it's probably a mess and don't want to break my code base.

But I have to do it cause it's super-important for managers that the WebView retains the inputs and I think they don't care if I have to mess up the whole app because of that. 

Any ideas? Thanks.


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