Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[android-developers] DDMS Heap Dump permissions problem

I'm trying to get a heap dump from ddms in Eclipse, but it gives me
the following error:

"Unable to create HPROF file for application 'space.shhh'. Check
logcat for more information."

And here is the logcat output:

D/ddm-heap(19153): Heap dump: file='/sdcard/com.bunnies.Shhh.hprof'
E/dalvikvm(19153): hprof: can't open /sdcard/com.bunnies.Shhh.hprof-
hptemp: Perm
ission denied.

I've tried this on an actual device (HTC Desire w/ 2.1 Eclair) and an
emulator (Donut). Both gave exactly the same result as above. Also, I
do have the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in the manifest. I've
searched and couldn't find anything about anyone ever having this
problem. Any ideas?

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