I am having some difficulties with the Geolocation API in Javascript. It works very well in the following cases:
- On a PC with Chrome, Opera and Safari (not tested with IE)
- On Windows Mobile phone with IE
- On Android mobile with Opera (not tested on an iPhone)
But it is not working with Firefox on PC and especially with the default browser on Android. I have a Samsung Galaxy S LC (equivalent to Galaxy S1)
Here is my code (standard API Geoloc):
- On a PC with Chrome, Opera and Safari (not tested with IE)
- On Windows Mobile phone with IE
- On Android mobile with Opera (not tested on an iPhone)
But it is not working with Firefox on PC and especially with the default browser on Android. I have a Samsung Galaxy S LC (equivalent to Galaxy S1)
Here is my code (standard API Geoloc):
<body>We need your location.<script type="text/javascript">// attempting to retrieve the GPS locationdocument.write("Trying to retrieve your location");if(navigator.geolocation){document.write("Geolocation is supported");navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback,{enableHighAccuracy : true,timeout : 5000,maximumAge : 0});function successCallback(position){document.write("You have been located. Latitude : " + position.coords.latitude +", longitude : " + position.coords.longitude);};function errorCallback(error){document.write("We coulnd't get your location");switch(error.code){case error.PERMISSION_DENIED:document.write("Permission Denied");break;case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE:document.write("Position unavailable");break;case error.TIMEOUT:document.write("Timeout");break;case error.UNKNOW_ERROR:document.write("Unknown error");break;}}}else{document.write("La géolocalisation n'est pas supportée par le navigateur");}</script></body>
What's going on with the Android default browser:
1. The following messages appear:
" Trying to retrieve your location "
"Geolocation is supported"
2. After the time specified by the timeout (10s here) the page becomes all white.
The functions sucessCallback or errorCallback are not called.
I then tried trough a Webview but it does the same.
Thank you very much for your help.
1. The following messages appear:
" Trying to retrieve your location "
"Geolocation is supported"
2. After the time specified by the timeout (10s here) the page becomes all white.
The functions sucessCallback or errorCallback are not called.
I then tried trough a Webview but it does the same.
Thank you very much for your help.
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