Friday, August 31, 2012

Re: [android-developers] apk should reviewed prior get available to PLAY

P.s., AC is not an established initialism for account. If in doubt,
please spell out every single word so people do not misunderstand you


On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Kristopher Micinski
<> wrote:
> I think you're asking:
> if my google play account gets banned, will my other google services
> (email) get banned too?
> The answer is no.
> If you're planning to get banned (i.e., spamming or putting up
> fraudulent apps) then you shouldn't be here in the first place...
> kris
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:41 AM, lselwd <> wrote:
>> Well you suggest open a PLAY DEV & CHECKOUT ACs with email gmail/googleAC i
>> use for other services by google? what if google PLAY or checkout sometime
>> delete me this should delete ALL AC ALL SERVICES GENERALLY BY GOOGLE, or...?
>> On Thursday, August 30, 2012 7:46:12 PM UTC+3, Kristopher Micinski wrote:
>>> I hate to tell you this, but your english is poor enough to be
>>> incomprehensible.
>>> Google play cannot test your app on every device automatically,
>>> because of a number of reasons, instead you should test on your own
>>> before deployement.
>>> And yes, users can get a refund after a certain amount of time and
>>> uninstall the app.
>>> Please rephrase your question in proper english, perhaps by asking a
>>> friend to translate,
>>> kris
>>> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 11:59 AM, lselwd <> wrote:
>>> > After a buyer buy an App from PLAY, how much time has to try it and
>>> > refunded
>>> > if do not want it & uninstall it?
>>> >
>>> > May have differ google account for Play a/c and Merchant a/c linked
>>> > together? Name/email required be the same?
>>> >
>>> > May install official signed (ready submit to PLAY) APK App file, to my
>>> > phone
>>> > or, needed debug signed to install in my phone?
>>> >
>>> > Just to test my submission to Play, I must download from a phone from
>>> > play
>>> > or exist other way? apk should reviewed prior get available?
>>> >
>>> > --
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