P.s., AC is not an established initialism for account. If in doubt,
please spell out every single word so people do not misunderstand you
On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Kristopher Micinski
<krismicinski@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think you're asking:
> if my google play account gets banned, will my other google services
> (email) get banned too?
> The answer is no.
> If you're planning to get banned (i.e., spamming or putting up
> fraudulent apps) then you shouldn't be here in the first place...
> kris
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:41 AM, lselwd <webmaster@poliscarhire.com> wrote:
>> Well you suggest open a PLAY DEV & CHECKOUT ACs with email gmail/googleAC i
>> use for other services by google? what if google PLAY or checkout sometime
>> delete me this should delete ALL AC ALL SERVICES GENERALLY BY GOOGLE, or...?
>> On Thursday, August 30, 2012 7:46:12 PM UTC+3, Kristopher Micinski wrote:
>>> I hate to tell you this, but your english is poor enough to be
>>> incomprehensible.
>>> Google play cannot test your app on every device automatically,
>>> because of a number of reasons, instead you should test on your own
>>> before deployement.
>>> And yes, users can get a refund after a certain amount of time and
>>> uninstall the app.
>>> Please rephrase your question in proper english, perhaps by asking a
>>> friend to translate,
>>> kris
>>> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 11:59 AM, lselwd <webm...@poliscarhire.com> wrote:
>>> > After a buyer buy an App from PLAY, how much time has to try it and
>>> > refunded
>>> > if do not want it & uninstall it?
>>> >
>>> > May have differ google account for Play a/c and Merchant a/c linked
>>> > together? Name/email required be the same?
>>> >
>>> > May install official signed (ready submit to PLAY) APK App file, to my
>>> > phone
>>> > or, needed debug signed to install in my phone?
>>> >
>>> > Just to test my submission to Play, I must download from a phone from
>>> > play
>>> > or exist other way? apk should reviewed prior get available?
>>> >
>>> > --
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