Di rom toolbox pro sih ada fitur itu as attached, tapi belum pernah coba.
√ HTC Evo 3D
√ Android ICS 4.0.3
√ Sense 3.6 Cool ICS ROM v13
√ 4EXT Recovery Touch v1.0.0.5 RC5
bro amer..klo mo ganti status bar icon bs ga ya?saya pk venom tweaks takutnya sistem ui nya bermasalah...
viper3D sense 4.1 ┌П┐(◣_◢)┌П┐On Sep 29, 2012 12:18 PM, "Amer" <moamer.khadafi@gmail.com> wrote:--Gw sih aman aman aja. Udah coba macam2 pula. Trus manual maupun via app juga pernah coba.
√ HTC Evo 3D
√ Android ICS 4.0.3
√ Sense 3.6 Cool ICS ROM v13
√ 4EXT Recovery Touch v1.0.0.5 RC5On Sep 29, 2012 12:00 PM, "Ida Bagus Putu Marwana (biMp)" <bimp.marwana@gmail.com> wrote:--Saya pake absolute system, dulu waktu pake nexian journey lancar sih gonta ganti bootanim, font. Blm pernah test di 3vo, males kalo tiba2 butlup :-P
§ White HTC Evo 3D CDMA
► Cool Sense ICS v10On Sep 29, 2012 11:29 AM, "Amer" <moamer.khadafi@gmail.com> wrote:--Saya pake rom toolbox pro yg kebetulan ada fasilitas ganti bootanimation, animation bisa donlot dari app tsb juga atau kalau sudah punya sendiri tinggal pilih. Bisa preview dulu sebelumnya.
Ga nyesel deh beli rom toolbox pro, hampir semua kebutuhan yg standar ada di situ.
√ HTC Evo 3D
√ Android ICS 4.0.3
√ Sense 3.6 Cool ICS ROM v13
√ 4EXT Recovery Touch v1.0.0.5 RC5On Sep 29, 2012 10:22 AM, "Arga WH" <arga.what@gmail.com> wrote:--wah? aplikasinya namanya apa om amer? .. :D
"All parts should go together without forcing.
Therefore, if you can't get them together again,
there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a
hammer." -- IBM maintenance manual, 1975
On Sep 29, 2012 9:12 AM, "Amer" <moamer.khadafi@gmail.com> wrote:--Harus root
Bisa copas manual atau pake app.--
√ HTC Evo 3D
√ Android ICS 4.0.3
√ Sense 3.6 Cool ICS ROM v13
√ 4EXT Recovery Touch v1.0.0.5 RC5On Sep 29, 2012 8:48 AM, "Arga WH" <arga.what@gmail.com> wrote:--mungkin ts bosan suhu sama stock boot animationnya hehe ..
oh ya, saya boleh bertanya? kalau ganti boot animation .. harus diedit manual dan root atau ada apps khusus untuk memasang- nya? .. maaf newbie .. ;DRegards,
"All parts should go together without forcing.
Therefore, if you can't get them together again,
there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a
hammer." -- IBM maintenance manual, 1975
On Sep 29, 2012 8:04 AM, "Ida Bagus Putu Marwana (biMp)" <bimp.marwana@gmail.com> wrote:--Lagi pada hemat kuota ya? Singkat2 bgt jd inget jaman pake telegram...
Bukannya semua hh android ada boot animationnya?@bimp_marwana
§ White HTC Evo 3D CDMA
► Cool Sense ICS v10On Sep 29, 2012 8:45 AM, "Amer" <moamer.khadafi@gmail.com> wrote:--Ada...
√ HTC Evo 3D
√ Android ICS 4.0.3
√ Sense 3.6 Cool ICS ROM v13
√ 4EXT Recovery Touch v1.0.0.5 RC5On Sep 29, 2012 7:42 AM, "bonie" <firmanbonie09@gmail.com> wrote:----
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