Heart rate monitor kayaknya lebih cocok dipasangnya di wearable device, macam smartwatch atau smart armband
~Going Pro with G Pro~
Heart rate monitor dgn cara nempelin jari ke flash/sensor kyk gini mah gak akan nyaman dipake saat olahraga. Ujung2nya gak akan kepake juga deh.
Kalo mau udah banyak bgt app heart rate monitor dgn sistem yg sama, musti nempelin jari ke flash kamera. Gak perlu pake S5 utk dapetin fitur ini.
Another useless feature kalo buat saya sih.
YoshwarOn Feb 26, 2014 7:16 AM, "Nico Salim" <the.heaven.postman4@gmail.com> wrote:--Kalau yang latihan cardio pengaruh banget
Buat saya yang mau fatloss minimal harus di 120-140 saat training cardioCuma nggak tahu akurat nggak di s5
Beautiful G2
On 26 Feb 2014 06:08, "reka wibawa" <wie.tureka@gmail.com> wrote:--Hahaha...heart scanner buat apa ya? Benar benar berguna banget buat real life gitu
Kenapa nggak dibuat aplikasi terpisah aja sama samsung ya? Jadi yang perlu bisa download sendiri dari market. Lumayan kan jadi compact rom nyaOn Feb 25, 2014 11:37 PM, "Ananda Laksono" <anandalaksono87@gmail.com> wrote:----Abis kepake untuk heart scanner kali ya.• The only one have 3GB-------- Original message --------From: Eko PrasetiyoDate:25/02/2014 19:57 (GMT+07:00)To: id-androidSubject: [id-android] Galaxy S5 ROM is a bit of a monster, taking up nearly 8GB of storageBuset ini isinya apa aj ya? 8gb buat os doang?
Galaxy S5 ROM is a bit of a monster, taking up nearly 8GB of storage
// Android Central - Android Forums - News - Reviews - Help and Android WallpapersThat SD card slot Samsung keeps including in its phones? You're going to need it.
We have to preface what we're about to show you with the following statement: Pre-release device, lacking carrier customizations, yadda yadda. But what you see here is the storage listing on the just-announced Samsung Galaxy S5.
And what you can see is that on the 16GB model of the Galaxy S5, half of the on-board storage is used up before the owner even turns on the phone. It's not quite as dire on the 32GB model of course (and remember that there's a little bit of funky math anyway, and you never get as much storage as manufacturers say), and Samsung will quickly tell you that's why you have the option to use a microSD card for expanded storage. It's something that we've seen before, and it's the same scenario. You need room for all those features and apps.
Still. When we're looking to buy the Samsung Galaxy S5 this April, we'll be opting for the 32-gigabyte version. Let's hope the U.S. carriers don't throw a wrench into that plan.
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