Sunday, July 31, 2011

[android-developers] MediaPlayer prepare status failed.

Hi All,

I see the following log in my HTC phone. Could someone suggest what am
I missing please?
My public ip(a.b.c.d) and port(8080) is reachable but somehow "No
route to host" is seen in the logs. This error I get especially when a
phone call is in ringing state. If WiFi is enabled then I do not see
the error.

Is there any restrictions on MediaPlayer when Call is Ringing or
Dialing in 3G/4G network?

Thanks in advance

I/LockUtil(14470): 06021143 - release PowerLock: DP_NETWORK_CHANGE
I/ActivityManager( 127): No longer want
(pid 13854): hidden #16
I/LockUtil(14470): 06021143 - acquire PowerLock - PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK:
V/AgentService_J( 307):
I/HTC_SUBMITTER_C( 307): (0) submitUI15:40719148,0
V/AgentService_J( 307): (0)ui15_dwAppID:40719148,ui15_shStatus:0
D/EASDirectpush(14470): 06021143 MSG_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED
D/EASDirectpush(14470): 06021143 NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state:
DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none),
roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, if: eth0
D/EASDirectpush(14470): 06021143 NetworkInfo: type: mobile[CDMA -
1xRTT], state: SUSPENDED/SUSPENDED, reason: 2GVoiceCallStarted, extra:
(none), roaming: false, failover: true, isAvailable: true, if: rmnet0
D/EASDirectpush(14470): 06021143 MSG_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED - Not
schedule as directpush, Stop service
I/LockUtil(14470): 06021143 - release PowerLock: DP_NETWORK_CHANGE
D/WimaxStateTracker( 127): GetAvailableMs
V/MediaPlayerService( 70): [519] isPlaying: 1
V/MediaPlayer( 328): isPlaying: 1
I/HTTPStream( 70): back from connect_nonb
E/HTTPStream( 70): connect_nonb error (113): No route to host
E/HTTPStream( 70): HTTPStream::connect(a.b.c.d, 8080) failed.
E/NuHTTPDataSource( 70): connect() failed, err=-1
I/AwesomePlayer( 70): mConnectingDataSource->connect() returned -1
V/MediaPlayerService( 70): [520] notify (0x8a2b8, 100, 1, -1)
V/MediaPlayer(12752): message received msg=100, ext1=1, ext2=-1
E/MediaPlayer(12752): error (1, -1)
V/MediaPlayer(12752): signal application thread
V/MediaPlayer(12752): prepare complete - status=1

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