> All I want to achieve is to add an event to user's local calendar on the device.
> I don't want to perform a round-trip by adding the event to their web
> calendar, and have it sync-ed back onto the device. Is this too much
> to ask for?
> Or is this add-to-web-then-sync-to-device approach better than
> add-to-device-then-sync-to-web approach?
Only the "add-to-web-then-sync-to-device approach" is supported, which
is the point that Kostya and I have been trying to make.
Unless you are planning on joining Google, taking over the Calendar
app, and forcing parts of it into the SDK, worrying about whether
"add-to-device-then-sync-to-web approach" is better or not is
navel-gazing. You may as well wonder how many angels can dance on the
head of a pin.
(I tried determining that once, but I kept crushing the angels when
trying to put them on a pile, probably with dire consequences for my
Now, don't get me wrong. I'd love for these undocumented approaches to
be standardized and supported. I spoke with a Googler on this issue at
Google I|O and was told that it wasn't a priority. And considering
that the undocumented/unsupported Gmail content provider is now
blocked, I wouldn't hold out tons o' hope that the others will
necessarily hit the SDK any time soon.
OTOH, SonyEricsson is apparently in favor of using this stuff, based
on a presentation scheduled for next week's droidcon UK, so, who
Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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