The downside of using Google Calendar Data API is the user needs to
login and authorize. It's an extra step that's not presented if we can
add the events to local calendar directly (since their google account
is already set and authorized on device).
I'm not trying to force the issue and I understand the privacy concern
regarding calendar items.
It should be private to begin with.
Anyway, in my opinion, they should lock down the SMS Manager API.
That's more dangerous than Calendar and others.
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Hong <> wrote:
>> All I want to achieve is to add an event to user's local calendar on the device.
>> I don't want to perform a round-trip by adding the event to their web
>> calendar, and have it sync-ed back onto the device. Is this too much
>> to ask for?
>> Or is this add-to-web-then-sync-to-device approach better than
>> add-to-device-then-sync-to-web approach?
> Only the "add-to-web-then-sync-to-device approach" is supported, which
> is the point that Kostya and I have been trying to make.
> Unless you are planning on joining Google, taking over the Calendar
> app, and forcing parts of it into the SDK, worrying about whether
> "add-to-device-then-sync-to-web approach" is better or not is
> navel-gazing. You may as well wonder how many angels can dance on the
> head of a pin.
> (I tried determining that once, but I kept crushing the angels when
> trying to put them on a pile, probably with dire consequences for my
> afterlife...)
> Now, don't get me wrong. I'd love for these undocumented approaches to
> be standardized and supported. I spoke with a Googler on this issue at
> Google I|O and was told that it wasn't a priority. And considering
> that the undocumented/unsupported Gmail content provider is now
> blocked, I wouldn't hold out tons o' hope that the others will
> necessarily hit the SDK any time soon.
> OTOH, SonyEricsson is apparently in favor of using this stuff, based
> on a presentation scheduled for next week's droidcon UK, so, who
> knows...
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> |
> |
> Android Training in NYC:
> --
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